Wednesday, 25 April 2012

I got the Seed...The Seed to Feed!

So recently a friend of mine has started up a great little business which she has titled 'Seed to Feed'. Essentially it's a DIY veggie patch solution to give a bit of a leg-up for the botanically-challenged among us (such as myself).

The instructions are so easy that even I can follow it, and there are several solutions tailored according to the amount of space you have dedicated to growing your veggies at home. Simply put, the packets of seeds are designed to be planted on a fortnightly basis (the dates are given to you so you literally just put them in the ground and water them) in alternating rows.

Assuming that you're capable of watering a veggie patch, and Bunnings even has self-watering beds so if you need to miss a day or two it's not a big deal, what you end up with is a fully functioning, rotating veggie patch of seasonal veggies, complete with 'decoy plants' so that aphids and other pests attack them instead of your veggies (reduces the need for pesticides etc).

The smallest size, titled A Wee Bit of Green, is ostensibly for a two metre squared bed, and produces a range of greens, however, like many Sydney-Siders, I live in an apartment with a medium-sized balcony. So I gave it a shot in one of those 80cm x 25cm self-watering (because I'm forgetful) plant beds with some universal potting mix.

So far I'm having success!

The April seeds are sprouting, and pretty soon I'll be adding the fruits of my labour into something delicious, with the added benefit of knowing that not only are they pesticide-free, but I grew them myself on my balcony - and believe it or not, I actually manage to get caterpillars and all kinds of things up the addition of the 'decoy plants' is a really clever idea.

My results so far:

The website is and I can thoroughly recommend you checking it out.



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